Booze is a Tolerant Enemy
As you build tolerances to alcohol, over the years, you need more of it to catch a buzz.
I used to think that being Irish, and being able to hold my liquor, was a good thing, but it turns out that as you drink more your body produces the ability to tolerate it. This is not a good thing. It’s just your body’s self-defense mechanism fighting back the toxin. If you are a person who can hold her liquor, you’ve already drank too much. I’m sorry to break it to you.

The body has a wonderful mechanism for putting up with things that it shouldn’t. From bad relationships to drugs. And trust me, booze is a drug. As author Craig Beck calls it “Attractively Packaged Poison.” We can devour large quantities of sugary desserts, and our body just compensates and over time builds up a tolerance. We can smoke for 10 years, then quit, and her body just grows back the missing alveoli in our lungs. The good news is you can quit alcohol immediately and in a very short period of time, you will start to feel better, look better, and possibly get better depending on how far along you are.
Because your body has something else that is remarkable, besides tolerance, it can heal itself given enough time and enough help. The incredible thing is that it will be tolerant of you as you go through your journey of removing alcohol from your life. But remember, your body and mine are also dealing with that creepy stalker that tries everything in its power to make you fail.