“I personally believe this: We have only today; yesterday’s gone and tomorrow is uncertain. That’s why they call it the present. And sobriety really is a gift… for those who are willing to receive it.”
Ace Frehley — Badass and Sober since 2006
The best way to avoid drinking is never to start, but that is not an option for many of us who started drinking at an early age. So instead, we will each conclude that we need to quit drinking for different reasons. Some of us deal with booze demons who ride upon our lives like it’s their own personal demolition derby. In comparison, others work with angels in their family who want to see you return to your booze-free self.
Some of you face severe medical conditions, while others don’t like how impaired they are after drinking or how shitty they feel the following day.
Some are trying to stay clear-headed to start their own business, while others are trying to rebuild relationships that alcohol has destroyed.
Again I am not a doctor or Psychologist, and I am certainly not here to judge what your reasons only encourage you to quit. I have no reason to judge you because I quit booze myself for some of the reasons above, and I am here to tell you that there is “Life After alcohol.”
Life is great without drinking, and think about how accomplished you’ll feel once you make the decision and fulfill your mission.
Booze is an ugly monster that sinks its claws into us early in life; with a combination of genetics and peer pressure, it hangs on to us like a friend without benefits — the worst kind of stalker, a toxic and emotional assassin.

Alcohol gives us the feeling of euphoria while taking our lives away both physically and socially.
The health, mental and emotional effects of alcohol vary between individuals and depend on the amount and type of alcohol consumed.
On the one hand, moderate amounts have been linked to health benefits, or at least that’s what studies sponsored by liquor manufacturers have told us. On the other hand, it is addictive and poisonous — especially if you drink more than one in a single sitting.
When you become the life of the party, the alcohol you’ve consumed will encourage you to act without inhibition. Simultaneously, it impairs your judgment and promotes behavior that you will sometimes end up regretting.
Marriage counselors will tell you that alcohol impairment is one of the leading causes of cheating, and it’s the divorce attorneys’ best lead source.
Child psychologists will tell you that alcoholic parents are the leading cause of childhood depression.
Defense attorneys say alcohol is the leading cause of violent crimes and the primary source of their income.
With a single impaired decision, you can change your life for the worse, lose a job, loved one, or ruin a child’s emotional state forever. Alcohol sucks!
The impact of alcohol is real. It has lasting damaging effects on our liver, brain, and even bodyweight.
By impairing our thinking, alcohol’s true impact on society goes largely unknown. Emerging studies look at broken promises, failed relationships, and minor accidents caused by alcohol impairment. We are all filled with the regrets of mistakes we’ve made after drinking too much. But we continue to drink because the liquor demon has a hold of us, and at the moment, the booze demon is a bigger badass than you—That’s about to change. Read on, my friend.
Don’t Drink and Drive Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash